Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple
1 min readApr 23, 2024


This was not the first time

Created and copyrighted by Larry Nowicki on imjflip.com

This is a series of short stories that initially were unrelated but have begun to look that way. Joe Nordic is someone who has been around for a while. These are some of his stories. There were more before this, and will be more after. Some stories start, and you learn the history from where they came as you go. Others feel like a blur, and then some leave an impression on you for a long time. This…



Larry Nowicki
Keep It Silly Simple

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills. https://paypal.me/larrynowicki1?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US