Member-only story
The movements do it for you
The KISS method Of Self Defense will teach you how to do movements that breathe for you.
The drills teach you how to do the movements. The movements are used to generate energy. They are designed to teach you how your body structure is designed and how to use the movements to get the most benefit.
The movements cause you to expand and contract your lungs to get oxygen flowing into your blood. The muscles contract and expand to squeeze the blood through your veins and deliver the energy to the tissues that need it.
These movements also massage the meridians in your body. There are acupuncture points along these meridians that control body function. Certain movements make the mussels and bones move in a way that puts pressure on these points. They cause benefits that happen without thinking about it.
Just doing the movements helps keep you healthier. They let you use natural movement to do the work for you. By using the full movement of your body, it will breathe for you if you would only let it.
After you learn the movements, you might think it is hard to practice. You need to put the movements into your everyday actions. When you get up to walk across the room, use your balance. Let your arms swing so that they open and close your lungs. Let those mussels squeeze the blood through your veins. Let your legs help…